Alvin Model Studio

Monday, August 03, 2020

[Digimon] Wargreymon (Amplified) - Bandai Figuart Standard Model Kit


Digimon is one of my favorite childhood memory, especially Wargreymon. Although the scale and the shape of the kit is quite perfect, there are so much details (seam lines, gaps, etc) needed to work on. Also many references from the internet are painted in glossy gold color, therefore tried using matte finish instead and the outcome is really nice.
Black Wargreymon is staying in my backlog....

Sunday, August 02, 2020

[Mecha] Nineball=Seraph - Kotobukiya fine scale model kit

  Commission Build 代客作品
Challenging kit from Kotobukiya again... Time spent on repairing the finished kit is almost the same as building it. Using glossy red with super clear top coat, while matte on black/grey parts to give a more contradictory expression.